National Vintage Tractor and Engine Club North Somerset Group

North Somerset Show 2024

Thanks to all that turned out with their tractors on the club stand and the turns in the main ring.  Tim Hurley's North Somerset board and transport box made the club's presence very clear to visitors.  Despite "catchy" weather a good day was had by all.  Photographs from Morgan Rogers.

Spring Road Run 2024 - Photos courtesy of Morgan Rogers

Thanks to Kirsten Edwards for the following photos.

North Somerset Show - May 1st 2023

2022 Club Ploughing Match

Spring Road Run

Spring Road Run on 24th April 2022.  Great weather and an excellent route with a good amount off road. Thanks to Derek for organising the run and Morgan Rogers for taking the money!

Club Tractors & Implements during Lockdown

Please contribute to "Club Tractors & Implements during Lockdown" on the NVTEC website. Let other members know what you have been doing on the farm and in the shed.

Tractor Jumble 2019

Traders getting ready for the opening in the main shed.

December 2019 Club Meeting at Redhill 

NVTEC (North Somerset) Ploughing Match 2019

North Somerset Ploughing Match 2019

North Somerset Show May 6th 2019

Annual Ploughing Match 2018

North Somerset Show 2018

A selection of photographs taken on a mobile phone - please excuse the quality!

Autumn Road Run 2017

Starting from Stepstones Farm, Langford to The Cider Shed, Wilcox Farm, Shipham. A great run organised by Rob Jenkins and enjoyed by all.

Club Weekend 2017


The North Somerset Group of the National Vintage Tractor & Engine Club The decision to cancel was put in place on the Sunday morning as the overnight weather on Saturday did not help after the torrential rain on Saturday lunchtime and afternoon. So much for weather forecasts! Hopefully we will get better weather next year! A real shame as so much time and effort has been put into this show.

Dig for Victory 2017 - NVTEC Display and Demonstration

The North Somerset Branch of the National Vintage Tractor & Engine Club put on an excellent demonstration of hay making and baling at the show over the weekend of 10th & 11th June.  There was also a pair of converted Morris Cowleys of the mid tewnties to a tractor and a self propelled mowing machine.  To complete the display there were sheep and pigs (the pigs rotovated their patch).

North Somerset Show 2017

Mick's Memorial Road Run 2017

This year's run started and finished at Puxton Park, Hewish and the tractors went through some beautiful countryside to Chapel Allerton for a coffee and cake stop at the Wheatsheaf.  Excellent turnout of 60 vintage and classic tractors - from a Standard Fordson to more modern classic Masseys.


A great run enjoyed by all - a credit to the organisers.


More photographs needed - please send to "Webbie"


Thanks to John Liddle for the photographs below.

Club Weekend - Flax Bourton  September 2016

Some of the Other Exhibits 2016

Club Weekend Road Run 2016

Photos from the 2016 - Mick's Memorial Road Run

Photos from the 2015 Club weekend, courtesy of Morgan Rogers

Some photos from Mick's Memorial Charity Road Run in 2015

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